Restoration of the Old Firehouse is a community project led by the Linden Heritage Foundation. The Linden Firehouse is a New Deal Era-civic building recently placed on Preservation Texas' Most Endangered Places list for 2016 and also eligible for placement on the National Register of Historic Places. In 1935, when Linden was a town of 900, the city owned a single fire engine and kept in a rented facility until the fire station could be built in 1939. Volunteer firemen had a sleeping room upstairs. The Linden Heritage Foundation was formed in September 2015 to encourage preservation of historic structures, sites, objects and customs related to Linden. The idea for a volunteer day of work effort came after it was learned the restoration project would start with a professional assessment of the structure. The building and grounds needed to cleared. "A lot of dirt needed to be moved," said Mary Dowd, one of the volunteers. Board Member Sue Lazara said, "About that time John Knapp, a Heritage Foundation board member, started working on the building by busting up the old asphalt with hand tools.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://amp.texarkanagazette.com/news/texarkana-region/story/2016/nov/09/volunteers-help-clean-firehouse/648248/
He began in an old wooden building where the the nuts & bolts for wise basement lifting tactics Penn Theatre now stands, but most of the years his shop was tucked away on Fleet Street. The mayor of Fleet Street, friendscalled him. "He knew everybody," his middle son, Vincenzo "Vince" Mucci of Canton, said, "and everybody loved him." Mucci, 91,died peacefully Tuesday at the Plymouth home where he had lived with his wife of 60 years, Margherita, since 1966. "He was still drinking homemade wine and smoking cigarettes the night before he died," Vince Mucci said. Plymouth City Manager Paul Sincock remembers as a young boy taking shoes to Pete Mucci for repairs and how the shop smelled of leather. "I was always interested in all the machinery he had there in the shoe shop," he said. Sometimes, Sincock was accompanied by his own Italian mother, who would occasionally speak the language of the old country with Mucci. Mucci came to the United States with his mother in 1947, an immigrant who tapped into the American dream. He moved his own family to Plymouth in 1966. "He fell in love with Plymouth," Vince Mucci said. "It was a rural, family town that reminded him of the old country." The Mucci family still has a pasta-making business in Canton, Mama Mucci's Pasta, started in 1989 by Vince Mucci and younger brother Francesco "Frank" Mucci.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.hometownlife.com/story/news/local/plymouth/2017/01/12/longtime-shoe-repair-shop-owner-pete-mucci-remembered-plymouth-michigan/96493274/
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